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Elocution Lessons: Where To Start?

Writer's picture: Ashley HowardAshley Howard

Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Knowing where to start with elocution lessons is vital if you don't want to waste tons of money and loads of time with coaches or courses that sound great but don't deliver results.

Person standing with jeans and read shoes looking a arrows painted on the ground

With 18 years of experience, here's your comprehensive elocution lessons guide with everything you need to set you on the right path. Here's what we'll cover:

Know Exactly What You Want To Achieve

If you don't know exactly what you want to achieve then how do you know what to look for and whether it's the right fit?

Here is an example from some prospective clients who wrote to me describing their goals for elocution lessons:

Elocution lessons enquiry form
Elocution classes enquiry form

Elocution courses enquiry form
Online elocution training enquiry form

Do you see the problem? They all think that 'elocution lessons' mean different things.

Instead of trying to define it, which of the following descriptions fit your objectives:

  1. I want to speak more clearly. I don't want to lose my accent, I just want to make sure that people can hear and understand me when I speak.

  2. I want to work on my accent. I want to have more of a native [insert the accent you'd like to have here] accent.

  3. I want to improve my public speaking and presentation skills.

  4. I want to improve the quality of my voice. I want to breathe from my belly, have a deeper and more resonant voice and speak without straining.

It's possible that you want more than one of these - most people do - but clarifying this will help you search for the right product or service.

Based on the descriptions above, here's what you're looking for:

  1. = elocution lessons

  2. = accent reduction lessons (also called accent softening lessons).

  3. = public speaking lessons or presentation skills lessons

  4. = voice coaching lessons

Now most people think of elocution lessons when actually their goals are more towards accent reduction.

If that's you, keep reading, because the rest of this post focuses on accent reduction training.

If not, click on one of the links above to learn more about what they entail.

Pink piggybank stood on a calculator

How Much Do Elocution Lessons Cost?

As I said three or four sentences above, our focus is on accent reduction and for that you could spend nothing or thousands of pounds (literally thousands).

You might be surprised to hear that spending more money doesn't necessarily mean quicker progress or better results. The first of two important questions is, how much time do you have?

I Have All The Time In The World

If you have all the time in the world - I would love to meet you and ask how if this is true - then you can slowly piece all the bits of the jigsaw together from free resources on the internet.

Part of the problem is finding those resources. But don't sweat, I've got you covered: see the next section: Top 3 Free Elocution Lessons Resources

Do You Have Good Proprioception?

The second, much bigger problem, is that changing the way that you speak requires a huge amount of self awareness (proprioception is the ability to sense the use of your body).

For example, can you tell when the back of your tongue is too high or low or forwards or back? Can you feel when you are adding vibrations to a sound or not? Can you tell what you are doing with the pitch of your voice on a stressed syllable? If the answer is yes, check out the free resources below and good luck!

If the answer is no - and for most people it is - you're going to need to spend a bit cash, to be shown how. But how much and on what?

You could invest in a book or ebook starting off at £10 (all amounts are in GBP).

You could invest in an off-the-self online course starting at £49 per month.

You could invest in some group coaching or some one to one coaching start at £13 per session (I wholeheartedly recommend spending upwards of £80 for a decent coach).

Top 3 Free Elocution Lessons Resources

Remember that most people searching for elocution lessons are actually looking for accent reduction lessons. And as a British English voice coach living in the UK, all the resources mentioned below are about acquiring the standard southern British English accent (some people call this RP, BBC English or still even the Queens English).

screenshot of English With Lucy YouTube channel

1. Coming in at number one is English With Lucy's British English pronunciation playlist on Youtube. 59 videos covering a broad range of topics. And if you are interested in improving your English language skills, she's got that covered as well.

screenshot of ETJ English YouTube channel

2. Next is Elliot's ETJ British English pronunciation lessons playlist on Youtube. A range of lessons over 58 videos. He also

screenshot of English Pronunciation Roadmap YouTube channel

3. And finally English Pronunciation Roadmap's Youtube channel. Created by me and my associate Paul Baston, there are a whopping 176 videos covering pronunciation, intonation, connected speech and loads more.

TOP TIP - whatever free recourses you end up using, I encourage you to start with vowels and intonation first. These areas are often the hardest but most impactful. They are the heart of any accent. Consonants are easier to start with and may be good for building your awareness but they won't feel as transformative.

Top 3 Elocution Books And Ebooks

The thing about most books and ebooks on the market, is that they are very general.

Some are comprehensive but they don't help you to know what habits you have and how to change them specifically.

So it's a good idea to go for books or ebooks that come with an assessment, preferably from the author. Yes, it's more money, but it will accelerate your learning exponentially by laying out exactly what you need to work on and why!

Remember, our focus is accent reduction for a standard southern British English accent.

British English Pronunciation Roadmap eBook

1. Everything you could ever want to know about British English pronunciation in 324 pages with 12hrs of audio, written by my fair hand (Ashley Howard). I know I'm biased, but it really is the best ebook out there.

Cost £14.99

Comes with the option for an assessment and on-demand feedback.

Work On Your Accent book

2 . This is a great book, covering a good range of aspects to do with British English pronunciation. It also comes with audio and some videos online, but no assessment is available.

Cost £16.99

Get Rid Of Your Accent book

3. This is quite basic but very clear and accessible. It is available in kindle format (£7.84) and paperback. You can also purchase part two in this series for more advanced topics. No assessment options.

Cost £19.95

IMPORTANT - I do not benefit financially through any of the links provided in this post.

Top 3 Elocution Courses Online

First thing to say is that the reason I haven't mentioned in-person courses, is that they are location specific, and any recommendation is only helpful if you live local to that course.

So if you are looking for 'elocution lessons near me' I recommend doing a local search.

Now then, you tend to get the same information in online elocution courses as you get in the books above but it is delivered mostly by video and audio, plus other things to get you motivated and integrating your newly found skills into live speech.

And there are a lot of these types of courses on the market, all offering roughly the same things, but what I've tried to pick-out is what makes them unique.

It's these unique differences - other than the cost of course - that's worth considering when it comes to deciding on what you think will suit you best.

1. Luke from Improve Your Accent has got one of the most comprehensive online self-study programs available. The unique thing about Luke's course is that the training is tailored to your first language and there are weekly group sessions where Luke guides people through the things that they are struggling with. Evidently there are a lot of students doing this course simultaneous, so how much time you get with him every week is hard to tell.

Screenshot of Improve Your Accent Website

Monthly £49

Annual £499

2. English With Lucy's 12 week British English Pronunciation course has a lot going for it: 60+ video lessons and lifetime access to course materials. You can upgrade to her VIP program which includes, amongst many things, personal feedback. Something unique to Lucy is access to a course community.

Screenshot of English With Lucy Website

Self-Study Program $349

VIP Program $499

3. Elliot from ETJ English has a good training, but the big sell is 'full-time voice message support with Elliot on WhatsApp'. He offer three packages from a 15 week course to lifetime access.

Screenshot of ETJ English Website

15 Week Access £199

30 Week Access £380

Lifetime Access £490

There are many others out there, and once or twice a year, when my own waiting list gets too long, even I run a 14 week online group course but what's unique about mine is that they're all live, with loads of opportunities for one-to-one coaching throughout, an assessment at the beginning with a personal learning plan, and between every live session, I give one to one feedback to help you monitor your progress. Sign up here to get notified when my next one launches.

Top 3 Private Elocution Lessons?

If you are considering one to one private elocution lessons (aka accent reduction lessons) then you must be serious! Good for you. Because one to one lessons in anything means that you are going to make progress quicker because the coaching is designed around your needs.

A couple of words of warning before I make my recommendations:

Do You Get What You Pay For?

With one to one lessons, whatever the subject, the old adage 'you get what you pay for' is mostly accurate.

However, because this industry in unregulated, seemingly any Tom, Dick or Harry can call themselves a voice coach or pronunciation expert, with little more than understanding of the International Phonetic alphabet. You've been warned.

So in the recommendations below, I've done the research so you don't have to.

Should I Pay A Company Or An Individual?

It's worth considering whether or not you are dealing with an individual who is offering their services directly or a company that has multiple coaches that they subcontract with their commission added to the price.

It's neither good or bad to get coaching from a company, but it's worth knowing that the premium you're paying is mostly for the company to get their slice of the pie.

So here are my recommendations:

Screenshot of London Speech Workshop Website

1. London Speech Workshop have 16 coaches ranging in experience and qualifications so check them out individually. Founder Emma Serlin grades them as Senior, Principal and Head coaches at different fees. Sessions come with a 240 page accent softening manual, a final report and a learning plan. Sessions are 1hr. But they're quite pricey and you can't pay session by session.


Senior Coach at 5 sessions £1050 (£210 per class) and at 15 sessions £2790 (£186 per class)

Principal Coach at 5 sessions £1440 (£288 per class) and at 15 sessions £3960 (£264 per class)

Head Coach at 5 sessions £1755 (£351 per class) and at 15 sessions £4680 (£312 per class)

Screenshot of ETJ English Private Lessons Website

2. Elliot from ETJ English offers one to one coaching. Sessions are 50 minutes. There isn't anything else to say. It just is what it says on the tin.


£125 per session or £120 per 10 sessions.

Screenshot of Ashley Howard Website

3. Then there is me, Ashley Howard, with nearly 20 years of coaching experience, an MA in Voice Studies and I'm also a published author and mentor. I would have put myself at number 1, but that really would have been distasteful. All my sessions come include my 324 page eBook with 12hrs of audio. Sessions are 50 minutes. You can pay session by session.


Sliding scale starting at £94 per session.

TOP TIP - Whoever you choose, have one initial session first, to see how the coach works and if it's the right fit before making a big financial commitment.

How Long Do Elocution Lessons Take To Work?

Whether you do this with free resources or one to one coaching, changing your pronunciation and intonation and learning a new way of speaking can take months or possibly even years. Here's why...

The Typical Process

Think about this: just take one sound that you make, let's say the way you pronounce the letter 'r'.

First you have to figure out what it is that you do and how that differs to the pronunciation you want to adopt.

Then you have to change your use of the muscles of your tongue, lips, soft palate and vocal folds to make the new sound.

Then, you have to practice until you can do it confidently.

Then, whenever a word with an 'r' comes up in live speech, you have to consciously change it AND stay focused on your what you are actually trying to say.

This has to happen over and over until eventually you don't have to think about it any more and the new habit is created.

A child with glasses rolling his eyes as if bored

Do It Again And Again And Again...

Then you have to do that with every one of your sounds that are different to that of the accent you are working towards.

Sure, if you have one to one coaching, you are much more likely to get there quicker but it isn't an immediate fix. It takes patience, practice and commitment.

How Much Do I Need To Practice For Elocution Lessons To Work?

What you want me to write here is 'you don't have to practice hardly at all'. Wake up!

It's like everything folks: the more time you put in the quicker you'll make progress.

Make It Manageable And Achievable

However, whatever you do needs to be manageable and achievable, otherwise you'll just give up after a few weeks.

What I mean by that is look at your schedule and honestly reflect on what time you can easily give to your practice. If that's 5 minutes a day, that's great. If it's 20 minutes every Sunday evening, then that's great too.

So don't set unrealistic goals for your practice. You'll just crash and burn.

A child aiming a bow and arrow inaccurately at three targets

Unrealistic Targets

That also goes for your targets for implementation into live speech.

Let's go back to the 'r' example: if you try to change every 'r' in every word, you won't succeed and you'll feel like a failure, and ultimately give up.

But if you pick 5 words with Rs that you struggle with and just try to change those over a week or two, you're much more likely to succeed which will motivate you to keep going.

Are Elocutions Lessons Worth It?

Yes, they are. If there is something about the way that you speak that is making you less confident at work, at home or socially, then it's worth working on.

Who knows exactly what the journey will be or whether your goals will be the same at the end, but if you don't take charge of it then it has charge over you, and you'll stay stuck.

Like everything, having the right person to guide you is the key, so choose with care.

Ashley Howard elocution lessons teacher

Written by...

Ashley Howard MA, a UK voice coach with 18+ years experience, and I can tell you exactly what you are struggling with and exactly how to fix it so that you can speak the way you want to speak.


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