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Get a personalised plan to speak more confidently,

with ongoing recorded feedback to keep you on track.

It's challenging to find enough time to make

meaningful changes in your speech.


And it's easy to lose momentum when life gets in the way.​


What makes this even more challenging is both lack of knowledge

(not knowing exactly what you need to work on)...


... along with information overload

(out of the infinite resources available online, what is accurate and relevant to you?)


These concerns are understandable, and very common – we all lead busy lives.


But if you're a busy person without the time or finances for 1-to-1 coaching, then this new course from associate Paul Baston is designed for you.


It's a way to get specific personal guidance: tailor-made to your voice & goals.


A way to stay on track and accountable with a series of challenges to complete in your own time.


A way to get ongoing personal feedback on your progress – so you know where you're improving and what to focus on most.




Cost-effective, personal support to help you speak clearly and confidently.

> Moves you towards a Standard British English accent


> PDF Assessment Report of your top speech habits


> Personalised exercises based on your unique habits & goals


> Ongoing spoken feedback from associate voice coach Paul Baston

See How It Works:


The 3-Step Feedback Cycle

A proven plan to overcome your speech challenges and stay on track.

How it works:

1. Get Your 7-Challenge Assessment Report

Paul listens to your voice to identify the Top 7 Vowels, Consonants or Intonation patterns affecting your speech.


You'll be working on what's most important – first.


You'll receive a PDF Assessment Report with instructions and exercises tailored to your voice and your goals.


Click here to see a video demo.


2. Follow The Tailored Exercises

Follow the guidance in your 7-Challenge Report to make improvements for each sound, working at your own pace.


Plenty of practice materials and audio provided.

For each challenge, send a new recording to receive a voice message from Paul with detailed oral Feedback. Use this feedback to make further improvements and get even more confident in conversation.


Get two feedbacks for each challenge – so you can feel confident in what's working well, and focus on what still needs improving.

Your new virtual coach

Specialising in accent & pronunciation, Paul Baston has helped individuals from 40+ languages become clearer and more confident speakers in English.


Paul has been an associate to Ashley since 2013, and together they Co-Founded English Pronunciation Roadmap.


Paul is a British coach, and his guidance and feedback is based on the Standard British English accent.


To find out more about Paul click here.

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3. Get Ongoing Feedback

Here's What You Receive:

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Your 7-Challenge Assessment Report 

The Top 7 sounds/patterns that will make the biggest impact on your speech: how to pronounce them, what your current habit is, and how to change it.


320-Page Learning Materials + 12h of Audio


You'll get access to Ashley Howard's comprehensive published materials with 12hrs of accompanying audio for practice between sessions and after the course.​

7 x Audio Feedback


Paul listens to and comments on your recording and how to improve each sound. Sent by email in audio (mp3) format.​

7 x Follow-Up Feedback


Once you've received your first Audio Feedback recording for a sound, take time to practice before sending Paul a 'follow-up' recording. You'll get feedback on this so you can note improvements and new learning points.

Ongoing support


Any questions for Paul about your Report or Feedback? Send him an email and he'll get back to you.


You'll also be invited to a private Facebook community to get support from voice coaches and other like-minded learners.



Enquire now for pricing and current course availability:



Read the FAQs below, or contact Paul via his British English Pronunciation Course page.

Frequently Asked Questions

– Who is it for?

The course is designed for non-native as well as regional/international native speakers of English, who wish to soften, modify or reduce their accent towards Standard Southern British English (RP). Participants must be over 18 with a medium to good level of spoken English.

– How is it different to coaching?

Whilst there are no 1-to-1 meetings, you will be constantly in touch with Paul, your 'virtual coach'.


After Paul listens to your first recording to assess your voice, you will receive challenges & guidance in a written PDF report. Next you send Paul recordings of yourself for each challenge, to which he will reply with spoken audio feedback & next steps.


This cycle repeats so that you are always learning new things, improving, and getting feedback on what to do next.


So the feedback process is a lot like what happens during a coaching session, but spread out over a time period that suits your learning speed.


Coaching offers live, back-and-forth trial and error – then in your next session you can review previous learning with the same live feedback. The advantage of this, of course, is you can 'try again' with live feedback, and ask questions in the moment. But it's also a (potential) disadvantage of coaching: for some people who meet their coach frequently, the review of previous learning can happen prematurely, which sets an expectation of significant improvement in a short time. Whilst many improvements can happen rapidly, like any habit, most big changes take longer to settle into everyday speech.


This is a huge advantage of the Accent Feedback Course: send over your recordings only when you feel ready to do so, and work on the feedback at your own pace.

– What about after the course finishes?


This course can stand alone, or be part of a longer journey.


So if you're ready to continue & deepen your learning, you can either take another 7 Challenges or book some coaching.


– When can I start?

You can start this course immediately and complete the challenges at your own pace.

– How Quickly Do I Get Feedback?

Paul usually sends your 7-Challenge Assessment Report within 5 working days of receiving your first recording. Then you can expect to receive your ongoing feedback 2 working days after sending in your recording.

or – if you have any questions first, head over to Paul's British English Pronunciation Course page and fill out either of the contact forms.

What people say about Paul...

Client Testimonial for Paul Baston's Accent Feedback Course

Alex Langenbach

German speaker

I took the Essentials Accent Reduction course taught by Paul. I thoroughly enjoyed the course.


Paul noted my accent problems and tailored the course to suit my needs. He was very easy to work with, friendly, easy to talk to, patient and punctual.


The course materials are also excellent. The British English Pronunciation Roadmap ebook and the accompanying audio files are superb. They give me a reference from which to judge my pronunciation.


Client Testimonial for Paul Baston's Accent Feedback Course

YT, Engineer

Cantonese Speaker

“I have always loved the sound of English and dedicated a lot of time to improve my accent. My aim is to render my accent indistinguishable from that of a native speaker of English.


Paul has helped me tremendously, guiding me gently and picking up even the the most subtle mistakes in my pronunciation. The course structure and materials provided (book and hours of high-quality audio) are excellent and Paul knew well how to tailor the lessons to my specific needs and wishes.


I always felt very well looked after and highly entertained. It was hard work and great fun at the same time, thanks!”

Client Testimonial for Paul Baston's Accent Feedback Course

Toms Baugis

Software programmer


The one thing I appreciate most is that I really hadn't hoped that dropping the accent (or at least sounding more fluent) was in my reach at all.


The most noticeable side-effect after taking the course has been that the second question when talking to a new person isn't "where are you from?" anymore, which, trust me, can get quite repetitive.


Paul had everything ready for fast and efficient lessons and it was as effective as it was fun. 

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